Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Funny Lines Heard Recently...

On whether we will go to Hollywood now that we're famous movie stars: "No, you can only go to Hollywood if you go on that singing show!"

On Mrs. Sero's drinking habits: "Mom, they must not have coffee at our school because all Mrs. Sero ever drinks is water!"

On Abraham Lincoln: "He kept his important papers in his hat?! I keep mine in my mail folder!"

On Richard Simmons (who the AM friends have been exercising with this week): "He is fantastico!"

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

We are BIG NEWS!

Click on the link below to see the Democrat & Chronicle's video report about our Kindness movie. I am hoping this will remain a direct link to the article. Please let me know if you have any trouble viewing it!

Exciting stuff!

Kids make movie about kindness

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

This year's most important spelling lesson...

The first four letters in the word Kindergarten spell KIND. :-)

World Famous Kindergartners

Yesterday a reporter from the Democrat and Chronicle came to Klem South to do a video story about our kindness movie. She spent an hour with me and 5 of our afternoon friends, and she will use that footage to create a ONE-MINUTE video report. (One minute?!) As soon as I hear that the report is online I will post a link so you can check it out!

This is the "movie about the movie" but you won't want to miss the REAL movie - remember the WORLD PREMIER will take place in our classroom next Thursday 2/14 at 10:50 AM and 2:50 PM (same movie at both showings - come whenever it is convenient for you!).

Friday, February 1, 2008

TWO periods AND an exclamation point!

Writing with kindergartners is so much fun! The best is when they start to learn about and use punctuation (especially the exciting exclamation point, their favorite!). Yesterday we were making a book of birthday wishes for one of our friends. The children draw their wishes and then dictate the words for me to write down. I always ask them what sort of punctuation mark they want at the end of their sentence. One child told me yesterday that his sentence needed to end with "TWO periods AND an exclamation point!" Classic.

Kids really do say the darndest things...

Well I will just admit it right up front, your poor children have been suffering all year with a VERY sleep-deprived teacher. Annabelle is the most delightful baby in the world (besides all of yours, of course) but up until about two weeks ago she was also the worst sleeper in history. Okay, maybe not, but that's what it felt like to her tired Mommy. For the past nine months, if I got 2 1/2 or 3 hours of sleep altogether I thought it was a great night! Teaching kindergarten is lots of fun and great motivation to drag yourself out of bed in the morning, but you need ENERGY to keep up with a class full of 5 and 6 year olds!

So now that you have the back story, let's get on to the funny part. On a particularly tired day I shared with the afternoon kiddos that I was very sleepy because Annabelle woke me up so many times in the night. Compassionate children that they are, and with memories like a bunch of elephants (they NEVER forget a thing you say - watch out!), they have asked me on and off since then about how Annabelle is sleeping. The news was never very good until a couple of weeks ago when (thank my lucky stars) we finally turned a corner and she started SLEEPING!!!! When the afternoon class overheard me sharing this news with a parent volunteer, M. called out, "Wow, Mrs. Sero, you must really be catching up on your sleep!"

School is WAY more fun when the KIDS are there!

Today was a Superintendent Conference Day which meant that the children did not have school but the teachers did. It was a very productive day working with all of the kindergarten teachers from across the district, but I have to say that school is a lot more fun when the kids are there. I missed them today!